The Peltzman Effect and Patient Safety

As doctors and nurses we always want to prevent/reduce disease. The introduction of new technology keeps telling us that we will reduce mistakes, treat certain diseases and reduce cost of certain treatment pathways. However, although technology is accelerating at an alarming rate we don’t see patient safety increasing in the same manner. In some years … Continue reading The Peltzman Effect and Patient Safety

Avoid sensationalism in gun control, use calculus

My interest is engineering, physics and data analysis in the context of medicine. However, when you learn math and use it to build models you cannot help this filtering into everyday life, news and politics. In-fact it this reason why I urge nearly everyone I bump into to improve their math skills even if it means … Continue reading Avoid sensationalism in gun control, use calculus

What does nursing have in common with statistics?

Florence Nightingale arrived at a military hospital in Scutari, Crimea to find squalor, chaos and death.She left it organised, efficient and a less dangerous place to stay. The organisational skills of Nightingale are well known, and rightly celebrated for saving the lives of many soldiers, but it was through her lesser known abilities that she … Continue reading What does nursing have in common with statistics?

Applying your coding skills in the NHS

As the average household computing power increases, computing power cost decreases. As the Internet and high level programming evolves more and more non-traditional developers are learning code and using it to increase their productivity in their jobs. It’s no secret that more and more doctors are becoming interested in coding, tech development and software implementation. … Continue reading Applying your coding skills in the NHS